“I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.”
-Booker T. Washington
Adams Kart Track, West Riverside, Adams Family

Ruby Strickland & Danny Culpepper
Allen Furniture Store, 8th St., John Allen
Bartee’s Beauty Shop, 11th St., Willie F. Bartee
Blue Lantern Restaurant & Pool Hall, Park Ave., E.E. Pitts
Blue Note Records, Park Ave., David & Helen Jones
Bowens Restaurant, 13th & Park Ave., Ivarine Bowens
Boyd Barber Shop, 10th & Park Ave., Robert Boyd
Boyd Real Estate, 10th & Park Ave., Emma Boyd
Coleman & Davis Beauty Shop, 14th St., Leona Coleman & Mylie Davis
Confectionary Store, 12th & Park Ave., Charles & Josephine Gordon
Danny’s Place, 14th & Grove, Danny Culpepper
De la Houssaye Medical, 8th & Park Ave., Dr. De la Houssaye
Decatur Grocery Store, 14th & Park Ave., Decatur Family
Gordon Beauty Shop, Park Ave., Frances Gordon-Green
Harris Sanitation, West Riverside, Oscar Harris
Jackson Beauty Shop, 11th St., Laura Jackson
Jones Auto Garage, Park Ave., Buster Jones
Master Glaze Auto Wash, 14th & Main, John Allen
Montgomery Cafe, Park Ave., Rev. Montgomery
Norris Television Shop, Park Ave., John Norris
Palmer’s Chicken Shack, Park Ave., Palmer Family
Palmer’s Dry Cleaners, Park Ave., Palmer Family
Peg’s Party Shop, 14th St., Peggy Streeter
Ponder’s Barber Shop, 8th St., James Ponder
Reynolds Brothers Gas Station, 14th & Park Ave., Al & Harold Reynolds
Reynolds Shoe Shine Stand, 10th St. Downtown, Sanders Reynolds
Riverside Carriage Exchange, 10th St., Frank Johnson
Stowers & Webb Auto Garage, 10th St., James Stowers & Walter Webb
Streeter Real Estate, 14th & Park Ave., Eddie Streeter
Sweet Shop, Lincoln Park, John Allen
The Place, Vine St., L.B. Walker
Tillie’s Mortuary, 10th & Park Ave., Frank Tillie
Wiley & Stokes Grocery Store, 12th & Park Ave., Wiley & Stokes Family
Winston Grocery Store, Sedgewick & 12th St., Joe Winston
Yates Restaurant, Park Ave., Ida Yates